LEXINGTON, KY – The Rotary Club of Lexington  held its weekly meeting on Thursday, Oct. 12, at The Mane on Main, Chase Bank building on Main St. The program’s speaker was Jeanne Clark,  6740 District Governor.

This meeting will also be on Zoom. For the Zoom link please email, trafton@rotarylexky.org.

If you would like to have lunch, please contact Jenny@rotarylexky.org to reserve your meal.

The Rotary Club of Lexington is honored to welcome to the podium District Governor Jeanne Clarke where she will present on the topic of “How Healthy is Your Club?”.

Born and raised in Pikeville, DG Clark answered her call to service at a young age working with the Girls Scouts, her church family, community organizations, and especially through teaching school for thirty-two years.  She joined the Pikeville Rotary Club in 2003 and was elected president in 2011.

Jeanne had the opportunity to lead a Rotary Group Study Exchange team to northern India in 2009.  Spending a month in India opened her heart and mind to the importance of international service within Rotary.

When she and her husband moved to Lexington in 2014, she transferred membership to the Rotary Club of Lexington where she worked on several committees.   In 2017, she was awarded the Rotary Serving Humanity Award and a Citation for Meritorious Service by the Trustees of TRF.

Because of a conflict in her teaching schedule at the time, Jeanne transferred her membership to the Rotary Club of Lexington After Hours.  There she continues her work on international service projects. The latest involves a global grant to expand the services of a muscular dystrophy center in Tamil Nadu, India.  The center currently serves fifty children at a time with a waiting list of over fifty of the very poorest children.  She is also the chair of her club’s Empowering Girls project for “at risk” fifth grade girls in Lexington, a Forum the club sponsors each August.

Jeanne has been a facilitator at RLI for many years, and she has played a major role in nine international service projects, including global grants, through her Rotary career.  Jeanne is a member of the Paul Harris Society and the PolioPlus Society.

In her spare time, which is infrequent, Jeanne enjoys reading non-fiction, watching opera, and learning about different cultures through traveling.  So far, she has had the opportunity to visit over forty countries.   Jeanne is married to husband Kenneth and they share the joy of “parenting” their precious Pomeranian, Bella Blue.


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