LEXINGTON, KY – The Rotary Club of Lexington will held its weekly meeting Thursday, March 26th, at 12:15 virtually. You can watch live on Periscope, www.periscope.tv/rotarylexky or at your leisure on YouTube,www.youtube.com/user/rotarylexky.
Our own program from the “LEE AND HAYLEY SHOW”
With the novel coronavirus ever present in our thoughts, we thought it would be nice to get a little relief from all the gloom and doom. This week’s virtual meeting will include a special Q&A session from the studios of ABC36 with Lee Cruse and Hayley Harmon from the “Lee and Haley Show.” Lee and Hayley reportedly have more fun on television than anyone and are thrilled to be joining our club this week. From the studio or on the road, every day is an adventure! The dynamic duo showcases people, places, and things that are always interesting. As they incessantly tease one another, viewers get to laugh along with them for the most jam-packed fun talk show in America.
For additional information please contact Peggy Trafton at trafton@rotarylexky.org.
401 West Main Street • Suite 305 • Lexington, KY 40507 • (859) 389-8100