The Rotary Club of Lexington held its weekly meeting Thursday, October 1st, via Zoom. Guest speaker was Michael G. Adams, Secretary of State, Commonwealth of Kentucky. If you would like a Zoom invitation email
For many of us, voting in the upcoming general election remains near the top of the list of things we’re concerned about right now, maybe second only to COVID-19, the state of the economy, climate change, social justice, more recently, the US Supreme Court vacancy, or all five. We’re pleased to have as our speaker this week Michael G. Adams, who will explain how voting will be managed in this year’s election and respond to questions from our Zoom viewers. Mr. Adams, a native of Paducah, serves as Kentucky’s 77th secretary of state.
Secretary Adams attended public schools and was the first in his family to get a bachelor’s degree. After graduating from the University of Louisville in its third class of McConnell Scholars, he attended Harvard Law School on low-income aid. Returning to Kentucky, Mr. Adams clerked for Chief US District Judge John Heyburn, worked for Senator McConnell’s 2002 reelection campaign, and served as deputy general counsel to Governor Ernie Fletcher, before moving to Washington to serve as counsel to the US deputy attorney general in the second Bush administration.
In 2007, Secretary Adams began full-time private practice in election law, first as general counsel to the Republican Governors Association and later opening a national practice in the field. He has represented several national political committees, members of Congress, and statewide campaign efforts in all 50 states. Because of this unique election experience, former Governor Bevin appointed him to the Kentucky State Board of Elections.
Secretary Adams is happily married to Christina and is the proud father of Lucia.