LEXINGTON, KY – The Rotary Club of Lexington held its weekly meeting Thursday, March 25th, via Zoom. The program’s guest speaker was Dr. Rob Farley, Senior Lecturer, University of Kentucky Patterson School of Diplomacy. To attend via Zoom please email, trafton@rotarylexky.org.
A global pandemic, an economic meltdown, a change in the Oval Office and the balance of power in Congress, and civil unrest here and abroad—the world has been in constant change since our last “State of the World” address from the University of Kentucky’s Patterson School of Diplomacy.
To update us this week and try to forecast how those changes and others yet to come may impact us in coming years, we will hear from Dr. Robert Farley, Senior Lecturer at the Patterson School of Diplomacy.
Dr. Robert Farley has taught security and diplomacy courses at the Patterson School since 2005. From August 2018-July 2019, he served in the Department of National Security Strategy, United States Army War College.
Dr. Farle received his BS from the University of Oregon in 1997, his MA from the University of Washington in 1999, and his PhD from the University of Washington in 2004. Dr. Farley is the author of three books: Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force (University Press of Kentucky, 2014), the Battleship Book (Wildside, 2016), and Patents for Power: Intellectual Property Law and the Diffusion of Military Technology (University of Chicago, 2020). He has contributed extensively to a number of journals and magazines, including the National Interest, the Diplomat: APAC, World Politics Review, and the American Prospect. Dr. Farley is also a founder and senior editor of Lawyers, Guns and Money, (lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com), a blog specializing in international security, foreign policy, and military doctrine.