The Rotary Club of Lexington held its weekly meeting Thursday, April 14, at The Mane on Main and on Zoom. The program featured Lindsey Burke, AM, JD, Founder, Micah Legal. She presented on Micah Legal’s mission to increase the availability of civil legal representation for Lexingtonians with moderate and low incomes.
To attend via Zoom please email,
Lindsey Burke is a social worker-turned-attorney and native Lexingtonian. She is the Managing Attorney of Micah Legal, which she founded in 2017. Lindsey graduated from University of Cincinnati College of Law in 2015, and University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration in 2012. Lindsey worked as a social worker at Lexington Rescue Mission from 2008-2010, and she was instrumental in creating programs that LRM still maintains today. She has served on the Boards of Directors for Central Kentucky Homeless and Housing Initiative (CKHHI), Sullivan University Legal Education Program, Central Christian Church Apartments, and Emerge Kentucky. Lindsey enjoys politics, music, and animals. She is married to Spencer Mancillas, and they live in the Gardenside area of Lexington.